Countless white friends are asking me what on God’s earth we should do to “stand up” in the midst of all this racial unrest.

Listen Up

Countless white friends are asking me what on God’s earth we should do to “stand up” in the midst of all this racial unrest. Here’s my response: we start to stand up when we first seize this God-given opportunity to “Listen” as we’ve never listened before.

If you need an official “to do,” then go listen to a bunch of black people and ask them what it feels like in this season of unrest and LISTEN. Ask them what they are reading. Ask them what shows they watch. Ask them who their heroes are. Then ask them how it felt to be a minority growing up. Be careful because you may not like what you hear! #HeartAche Then listen some more and take it in. Share empathy without too many words. Don’t try to fix it. Just #listen.

Feel free to report back with both what they said and also how it made you feel. The moral arc of the universe always bends toward justice #MLK, and in this case, the moral arc bends with listening.

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